If winter comes, can spring be far behind?

Tons to do...

⊆ 2:26 AM by Yasi Xu | . | ˜ 0 comments »

I've got loads of things coming up. Two finals next week, for one of which I have to miss a special church service. Because this one math final is going to take place next sat afternoon. I was told that it can't be rescheduled, again, unfortunately. And the week after, I have another two finals. I need to pack, move out, move in and unpack pretty much the day after my last final on wed june 10. Then I can use a couple of days to gather some furniture pieces. It looks like I won't get a day off before Camp Meeting, and I have no idea how everything's going to work out; because I'm also trying to figure out a time to visit some old friends in Rhode Island; and that would have to be before summer quarter starts on june 22.

And yeah, what was I thinking when I registered for summer quarter? And with a full-load: three math classes and one microecon, seriously? Plus, I work/kill my brain cells daily...ohh shoot!

This upcoming month will be one of the busiest in my life. But it will be worth it all--I'm getting a place in my favorite neighborhood, and I'm really looking forward to my first summer in this city. It's going to be more than just nice.

One thing that's kinda sad though, my mom was planning to fly over here sometime soon during the summer, but thanks to the recent widespread H1N1 viruses, the trip is gonna be postponed. It would be interesting to do a research on what impacts H1N1 will have on U.S. economy, I bet nothing quite positive...

I really want to sit back and relax for a little bit right now, but I've got this crazy month ahead of me. By accidentally having my alarm on silence last sat, I slept for 17 hours...I realized how tired I was. Pathetically, I felt even more tired after I slept, and couldn't jolt out of the lethargy till around 9pm. It wasn't a good use of a beautiful Sabbath day. I should stop using the fact that I'm in school as an excuse for being busy all the time, everybody's got stuff to do.

I finished reading about 100 pages of astrobiology before I started this post, now I don't remember anything from them. And I need to go to sleep as soon as I'm done writing this, which will be in like two seconds...

...peace :)

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