Gladwell's new book comes out in a week. Well, it is more of a collection of his selected articles published in The New Yorker magazine from the past decade. Though the contents aren't necessarily "new", I am expecting the book to be a well-put-together photo album of modern american culture and civilization, which by no means am I talking about only the positive aspects. It will be well worth the time to read some of Gladwell's old works and find out how his perspectives have changed over the years. He's a journalist after all. The book should have a fairly high gold content. I don't think I can wait till Oct. 20. I'm going to dig out some if not all the articles in The NYer's archive database to get a sneak peak of the selection.
Funny thing, one of the writings "The Ketchup Conundrum" was published in September 2004. I actually remember seeing it in The New Yorker at the time because I was in RI and the household had subscription.
"Mustard now comes in dozens of different varieties. Why has ketchup stayed the same?" Who would ever come up with that besides Gladwell? I sometimes wonder what this guy's brain is made of.
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