If winter comes, can spring be far behind?


⊆ 6:00 PM by Yasi Xu | . | ˜ 3 comments »

I worked on furniture assembly for 3 days straight, and finally got it done yesterday. I was quite happy. However, last night at the park, I could feel that my body was starting a revolution against me, though the pain was bearable. Today I woke up and wasn't even able to walk. All my body parts hurt, and apparently my muscles got strained. So I wrapped myself in plasters and laid in bed for hours. This morning, I tried to clean up a little bit yet failed completely since I couldn't even lift up a box. This is absolutely no good because camp meeting starts this week, and school the next. Man, wish I was stronger.

3 Responses to Bummer

  1. Anonymous Says:
    I'm in pain, too... although not as much pain as you... and I have no idea why.

    Yasi, I hope you get better soon. Its no fun to hurt. And I'm looking forward to going to camp meeting with you :)
  2. aaron troia Says:
    oh no! i hope you feel better! I'm actually in town this weekend for a wedding, im kinda looking for things to do today. i think im going to try going to 24/7 tomorrow...but hey, get better!
  3. Anonymous Says:
    Aaron, I don't know you so I don't know how to get a hold of you & I don't know if you'll read this, BUT

    there is NO 24/seven this Saturday.

    Everyone will be at Camp Meeting in Auburn (at Auburn Adventist Academy, which is right next to Mukleshoot Casino) on Saturday.

    If you are looking for something to do tonight there's a concert in Seattle at the QCAFE it's Lower Lights Burning & Paper Astronomer (formerly Seven Years Absence) it's at 8 & it's $7.

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