If winter comes, can spring be far behind?

Time does fly...at the speed of a blink

⊆ 10:56 PM by Yasi Xu | . | ˜ 3 comments »

K. I've been waiting for half a year since last november for this one event-Ballard jazzfestival which takes place twice a year usually, one in november and one in april. Last time I didn't go for various reasons, can't recall the details, but I think it was in the midst of my midterms and also that more than 60% of the venues were 21+ admission. Anyways, good news is that it's finally here again, as it promised :)

Here's the brief schdule.
Wednesday, April 22 - Brotherhood of the Drum
Thursday, April 23 - Guitar Summit
Friday, April 24 - Ballard Jazz Walk (this one is massive...)
Saturday, April 25 - Mainstage Concert
Sunday, April 26 - Swedish Pancake Jazz Brunch

Pretty much the only one I really wanna go to is the jazz walk, the thing is it's on a friday night...so will see. This time I'll make it to at least one of them, no matter what. I've waited for 6 months, heck yeah have to go ;)

3 Responses to Time does fly...at the speed of a blink

  1. Steph Says:
    Maybe I'll go with you! :-) Sounds fun. Dang, it's been a whole year already? Shoot, time flies. Get some rest, girl. Take your nap and wake up refreshed and ready to conquer that GBCC stuff. See you in a couple weeks!
  2. bruce Says:
    it's coming up....

    i'm interested in wednesday night.
  3. Yasi Xu Says:

    i'm thinking about either wed or thurs night.

    let me know if you are going.

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