First step to my "profession"
⊆ 1:19 AM by Yasi Xu | ::january 2009:: . | ˜ 2 comments »
I finally received this treasure in mail today. I had to calm myself down in order to open it because I was over-excited for this book. I have done so much research on picking a right book for preparing SoA Exam P/CAS Exam 1. And this one is going to be it! :) I hope to take the exam during my senior year. I'm thrilled to start the journey, though I'm informed it's going to be very tough :)
This is building the foundation of my future career, and thanks God for giving me the talent and passion to do it. I'm very excited and just thought I should share it with my favorite people :)
man, isn't ASA an amazing title?
January 26, 2009 at 9:10 AM Yay for getting stuff in the mail! When I got my guitar last summer, it was delivered via UPS but they tried to deliver it when I was at work so I couldn't sign for it. So I had to drive to the Redmond HUB to pick it up and I was so antsy! Haha.
Sounds like you're all set with this book. Good luck on the exam.
(P.S. Good intentions do seem to lead to bad outcomes quite frequently, huh? It does suck, indeed. But we have no way of predicting the future so that's why we take risks with the good intention. And taking risks is healthy, so well done.)
January 26, 2009 at 11:45 AM that's probly why i need to study risk management, next time before i take a risk i need to calculate the probability of success lol