Guess I have a public blog?
⊆ 1:36 AM by Yasi Xu | ::november 2008:: . | ˜ 0 comments »Yes, you guessed it, from the title. The thing is I've had several blogs before, but I slacked off on all them because of whatever reason. So I closed all of them early this year and had decided to stick only with the private one. I had this weird mind-set of blogs being an online diary thing, and thus should they be private. I don't think like that anymore though, and instead, there are actually things you can write about in a public permitted blog after reading couple of my friends'. They are really good. Like Steph's blog "Shared secrets". Interesting.
And thanks for tommy asking me about the whole blog thing, that was a motivation there =) Potential words/sentences are worth being looking forward to. We will see how this blog is going to go along with my life.
I'm kickin' it!
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