I could sing of Your Love forever
⊆ 11:15 PM by Yasi Xu | ˜ 1 comments »I could sing of His Love forever. That's right!
I preached (kind of) for the very first time tonight. It didn't go as smoothly as I would like it to. Went blank and stumbled over my second language a couple of times. BUT, nonetheless, I did it. To me, it was a huge deal. Public speaking has been one of my biggest fears, and especially preaching, I'd never thought I would deliver a message someday. Now I have had my breakthrough, I know He will continue to give me the courage and strength that I need to reach higher goals. And it doesn't matter if I just take baby steps.
When I read "You have never disappointed me..." on the bus the other day, all at a sudden I felt an heavenly arm wrapping around me, and it was SUCH a great relief! I felt like I had never fully understood before. It was hard to not tear up at that moment. It was the best realization ever.
My character has been rapidly shaped recently. It's an interesting feeling. I feel like I'm becoming more real, more direct with people and as well as the way I communicate with God. Breaking out of an eggshell, is a fitting analogy to describe my current stage.
I've been trying real hard to burn the "list" I have kept. And I'm so amazed how unbelievably well this process is going. It's so hard to imagine that Jesus lives in us, like literally. God is able, and He has enabled me in so many unexpected good ways. I can't believe how determined I am when dealing with things now. I'm grateful for the people He's brought into my life, His way of using people is incredible. I can hardly wait for His next steps. Growing can be painful but beautiful at the same time. At the end, it will be all rewarding.
Je sais qu'avec Jésus je suis fort. C'est vrai. :)